

Ziua Comunicațiilor 2018





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Sorin Grindeanu has been President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation of Communications in Romania since November 2017. Between January and June 2017, he served as Prime Minister of Romania. From 2012 to 2016, he was an MP and a member of IT&C Committee in the Chamber of Deputies. He served as Communications Minister from December 2014 to November 2015. Mr. Grindeanu also has a vast experience in local administration:  he was President of the Timiș County Council from June 2016 to December 2017, and before that he served as a vice mayor of Timișoara City, a member of the Timișoara local council and Head of the Timiș County Youth and Sports Directorate. Sorin Grideanu is a graduate of the Timișoara West University, Mathematics Faculty, with a major in IT, and holds a Master’s Degree in Data Bases.


Între avantajele rețelelor 4G și potențialul 5G




Advisory Partner, Head of Technology Consulting
EY România

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Carmen is Partner in EY, leading IT Advisory Practice & IT Risk Assurance. She joined EY in 2012, by now having 18+ years’ experience in Romania and CEE in IT industry. She has had executive roles and relationships with large clients and Global IT Players. Carmen has a MSc in Nuclear Physics (1987, University of Bucharest) and a MBA at Open University, UK, specialized in Strategy, Marketing, Change Management and HR.

Before joining EY in 2012, Carmen worked for IBM in Romania and CEE, playing leadership roles. During her career, she was the trusted advisor for many large clients in Romania, engaged in strategic, complex IT projects, covering different industries as Financial Services, Utilities, Oil & Gas, Telco, and Public Sector.

She is also a subject matter expert in outsourcing, technology enablement, Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Modelling and for Major Program Transformation initiatives. Carmen’s strategy in EY is to help her clients to embrace digital and take advantage of analytics for improving operational performance and grow the business, while supporting them to protect against cyber risks.

5G. Transformarea societatii moderne



 General Manager



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Senior executive with more than 13 years of experience in the printing and data processing industry, leading teams to achieve strategic objectives, deliver value to shareholders and exceed client expectations. Successful leading businesses, strategy development and its implementation, products and services development, sales, P&L’s and high-level client relationships.

Career experience includes a proven track record of delivering results for public and privately-held companies. Extensive expertise in the areas stopping loses in crises, company reorganization, leadership and changing the mentality of management, management based on budgets and projects, penetration in new markets, merger and rebranding.

Ovidiu Stanescu - zcom



Managing Director



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A fost numit Director General  al Romkatel în 2015, în aceeași perioadă în care compania a adoptat un nou model de afaceri și o nouă paradigmă. Viziunea sa este de a folosi întregul potențial creativ și tehnic al profesioniștilor locali cu înaltă calificare pentru a genera idei inovatoare și servicii noi. Modelul de afaceri adoptat se bazează atât pe vasta sa experiența profesională cât și pe cea a echipei  sale, cu deschidere spre IoT și noile tendințe tehnologice din toate industriile.

Ovidiu deține un MBA de la Wirtschaftsuniversität Viena, este un manager extrem de experimentat, cu o atenție deosebită pentru detalii și un adept entuziast al inovației.





Senior Business Expansion



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Jakub has been involved in telecom business for over 15 years. After doctorate dissertation in Finland, has been working on cellular network development and network rollouts across the globe. Next, together with Huawei, Jakub was engaged in project management of MVNO transformation and managed services in the UK. Currently he is driving business development in CEE&Nordic region.

CXO Round Table 2018 – Enable Operators Digital Transformation

Spyros Sakellariou



Section Manager



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Spyros Sakellariou are peste 25 de ani de experiență în product management, software engineering, precum și în coordonarea echipelor the R&D din cadrul grupului Intracom Telecom. În prezent, este CDN & VAS Marketing Section Manager in cadrul Diviziei Telco Software a Intracom Telecom. El lucreaza pentru Grupul Intracom din 1998, unde a câștigat o experiență variata în proiectarea și implementarea sistemelor de facturare, valoare adăugată și integrare, precum și furnizarea de soluții personalizate pentru furnizorii de servicii de comunicații. Spyros este liderul principal al Intracom Telecom în domeniul initiativelor Big Data si Network Function Virtualization. Este absolventul unui master în Tehnologia Informației de la Universitatea Nottingham din Marea Britanie, fiind licențiat în Informatică la Universitatea Loyola din Chicago USA și este absolvent al prestigioasei Academii Oak Hill din Mouth of Wilson VA USA.

“The Second Telecom Age” How NFV and AI Facilitate 5G

Zsolt Pantlik - zcom



 Business Development Manager


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Zsolt este un profesionist licențiat în domeniul telecomunicațiilor, cu o vastă experiență în implementarea rețelelor de comunicații mobile și managementul proiectelor IT. Are un background tehnic impresionant, cu un interes special pentru interacțiunea cu clienții și dezvoltarea afacerilor. El s-a alaturat echipei Romkatel in 2015, cu scopul de a dezvolta afacerea. Zsolt este o persoană comunicativă și se caracterizează printr-un spirit de echipă bun și coerență personală.





 Liga Studentilor Electronisti

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20 years telecom experience in fix and mobile industry.

George Trandafir-foto presa



Managing Partner


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George Trandafir este avocat consultant, cu o experiență substanțială în dreptul afacerilor.




Managing Partner


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Georgiana Trandafir este avocat litigator, cu o experiență profesională de peste 10 ani, livrând servicii juridice la cele mai inalte standarde profesionale.

25 mai 2018. Sunteți pregătiți?

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